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Supporting the 3D Create and Print partwork launch

IMG_4509We are promoting the 3D Create and Print partwork launch with this display on the lease line, facing into the mall.

The display is capped with a 3D printer provided by the publisher through Gordon and Gotch as part of a newsXpress promotion for this launch. The items in the front of the were created in-store using the printer.

The 3D printer and the printed items add good theatre to support the launch.

This partwork launch is an excellent opportunity for our channel to connect with 3D printing, making is more relevant to those into this as a hobbyist. I am running a facebook promotion to reach way outside the shop to attract shoppers who could be interested in 3D printing and locking in for this series.

I appreciate there are challenges with partwork supply. Almost every time I track this down the source of the problem is the publisher and not the distributor.

I remain a supporter of partworks in part because of the traffic they generate through TV and other campaigns.


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  1. Mark Fletcher

    FYI we have found a new customer as a result of the Facebook promotion we are running for this partwork.


  2. shauns

    I have a few orders for it but no allocation ,let’s see how this disaster pans out .


  3. Murray

    It will be the same as every other partworks, huge push for issue 1, get heaps of customer orders, then watch them drop off 1 by 1 because the suppliers wont have enough stock. Happens with every partworks so I cant see this being any different


  4. shauns

    Murray it is still a battle with the rocks one ,one week to many following week not enough CLOWNNNNNS


  5. Steve

    I wasn’t allocated any and I have no orders for any. I’m really happy about that, no backorders, no pissed off customers and no useless half completed 3D printers. I use to like and promote partworks but supplier stupidity has broken me.


  6. shauns

    well true to form clowns in the allocation department have cut me already from 4 to 2 . Just had another request so went on to GG website to change my order and yep already forcast for a cut back WTF is wrong with these people . Are we not here to make money ?


  7. rick

    I’m only getting 2 of the 3D printer tomorrow, have orders for 3.


  8. Stacey

    I’m just about over partworks. I have 2 men building the Red Bull car and AGAIN Network have dropped me back to 1. The guys have rung the publisher who has offered to supply direct but they want to be loyal to me as they know I have harassed Network for 12 months over this. I’ve rung them numerous times requesting to be permentantly sent 2 copies.
    The poor call centre guy copped an earful about how they can send me a ton of crap that I don’t sell but incapable of sending 2 copies when I sell 2 copies EVERY week and have never returned any.


  9. shauns

    Talking of partworks ,has Knit and stitched stopped or have I just been stopped once again ? no stock and no listing on GG for my supply


  10. Murray

    And its started already, short supplies. Why anyone would promote partworks is beyond me. It always ends in tears and frustration.


  11. shauns

    Called up GG about Knit and Stitch and yep sure enough they stopped my supply completely AGAIN .Not enough stock they said but could not explain WHY they deleted my supply completely again ,so here we go again on the back order merry go round .

    Thing with the 3D partwork is I didn’t even get an allocation to start off with so hence could not even promote it but yet still get 5 putaways because its on TV . Maybe the Ad should say available at newsagents when we feel the need to supply”


  12. Paul

    Same thing happened to me with Knit and Stitch Shauns. Poor girl collecting it was left in the lurch as the idiots kept cutting my supply of the one copy we were getting and selling every month. ACCC should be interested in this type of continual behavior buy the partworks distributor.


  13. SUBARU

    We’ve got 2 customers getting this putaway.
    One of them wanted to get it direct from the publisher so he can get the folders for the collection.
    Is there any way to get hold of the folders so we can keep OUR customer happy???


  14. shauns

    On gotch connect you can order them well I have but nothing ever showed up


  15. shauns

    3d print binder code 33334


  16. subaru

    Thanks Shauns, I’ll give that part # a crack
    And now the battle begins. We’ve suddenly been cut from 3 to 2, and I have some more putaway requests on top of the original 2…..oh the joys of partworks


  17. shauns

    Subaru , best of luck lol as I said I ordered the binder but it is still out there in Gotch land (land of the unknown).Would like to know from anyone that has actually received the binder


  18. Infinity 3D Printing

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for sharing your experience of supporting 3D create and print partwork launch. The idea of Facebook Promotion is really excellent as you are broadening your limit and your enthusiasm for 3D Printers. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.


  19. sean mulroy

    Hi, anyone know where i might get issue no.48, i run an newsagent and a young lad who’s collecting this is desperate for part no.48 can anyone help


  20. Bill Hughes

    From my information there are about 200 people in Australia who can’t get issue 48. You see we need the part to complete our printer. Any one else who is having this problem I invite you to say some thing here.


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