At the airport last week I saw how customers had abused the Lovatts crossword stand at a WH Smith store.
Click on the image and see – they have been using the stand to test pens as well as a place to leave a used coffee cup.
At least they didn’t leave a mucous filled tissue or a filled baby nappy.
It challenges one’s faith in humanity sometimes – the way people treat shops.
It is sad, kids are no longer brought up with ethics or morales . Ocassionly you see a mum take the item off the kid and just randomly chucking on the table somewhere not because she wants to teach them something but to stop them buying it and/or preventing them from breaking it. So frustrating.
Little boy drops his trousers and urinates into the bottom shelf of magazines, Mum laughs and leaves.
I have kids stealing then I called their headmaster. Their parents came not happy because I reported to their school and not big deal kids stealing they said
We’ve lost a little bit of stock to thieves, not necessarily children. I have also been encouraged when on 2 different occasions the parent brought the thief and the merchandise back to us.
we are very lucky to have an excellent IGA next door where they call the police to each and every case of shoplifting. this raises community expectations and shows there are consequences for poor choices.