Check out this oversupply of Scoop magazine by Network Services yesterday. This newsagent received two copies on November 6 last year and has not sold any. The allocations experts at Network decided to send another copy.
What a waste! This oversupply makes the small business newsagent less competitive.
There is no evidence to suggest this newsagent will sell the extra copy yet it has been sent – by a company newsagents are expected to trust to get supply right.
It is no wonder newsagents are doubtful of the motives behind the proposed new magazine supply rules.
Network ought to be ashamed of yet another example of oversupply which makes newsagents less competitive.
At least you get to top the magazine for return – but what a waste of paper discarding the rest.
Mark all Scoop titles are full returns which makes these second distributions even more shitful. Having not sold a Scoop Homes in 5 months I received 2 more yesterday to go with the extra Scoop Outdoor and Gardens annual I received on Monday of zero sales in 4 months. Absolutely unacceptable treatment but I’m not sure who to blame, Network or Scoop publishing. I rang up Scoop when the same thing happened last month and they were going to get back to me. I’m still waiting.
Interesting Steve. The data comes in as a top return.
Mark the Scoop Perth Guide has changed to tops but all other Scoop titles are Full returns (for me at least). Scoop uses the same business model as UMG, fill it full of paid ads, give it a ridiculously long on sale and make it full returns so it costly to return (especially if your a rural newsagent like me) so it stays on the shelf. If other newsagents are on tops for all Scoop titles I’d want to know why I’m not.
We’re rural/remote and send back tops in WA, maybe check with Network
Thanks n. Very interesting I’ll be looking it to it.
This title is returned as a Top in SA.