Passionate dog and cat lovers are valuable shoppers to attract and serve in our newsagencies. Calendars, mugs, books, magnets and even Christmas ornaments and trickiest sell easily when they have a dog or cat theme.
I have written here many times in the past about terrific commercial opportunities open to newsagency from serving pet lovers.
We can serve the passion of pet lovers and through this grow our businesses.
Visit pet shop and you will see them playing in this gift space serving dog and cat lovers. They have mugs, calendars, gifts for owners and gifts for pets.
We are finding dog and cat items work bets when displayed to tell a story. That is, not dotted here and there but placed together so dog lovers, for example, can see everything you have for them. The locations that have worked for us are on the table facing into the mall, at the counter and in our gift department in a dedicated dog and cat section.
I put the photo of the cat Christmas hat with this post as I heard a customer purr a few days ago when looking at this for her little cutie.
Our channel has been built on habit based purchases. Newsagents can navigate to a profitable future thinking about serving those who purchase out of habit. This is where serving dog and cat lovers is important for us.