This image (click on it for a larger version) is a screen cap from the ANF website yesterday. It shows the last paragraphs of a news story about a newsagency on the ANF website. Immediately after the story is an ad promoting ink and toner at Officeworks.
The image was sent to me by a newsagent.
The ANF, the body that claims to represent newsagents is advertising one of our most aggressive big business competitors.
There is no excuse for this.
I expect the ANF response to be something like – we have signed up for an ad feed and can’t control the ads or it’s the fault of our blog software. To that I would say: you at the ANF, representatives of newsagents, need to be accountable for the decision that saw stories you publish about newsagents being used by Officeworks to grow their business and generate revenue for you.
The ANF is profiting by promoting a business competing with those the ANF claims to serve. The ads appear to be served through From what I can see, you need to register for Gravity. The Terms of Service show how little control the ANF has over advertising on its site.
Those responsible for Officeworks ads appearing on the ANF website ought to apologise to newsagents and resign.
Anyone from the ANF is welcome to respond here – as they always are.
The Officeworks advert probably has more to do with the Newagents own Google searches than the ANF. I got so over having all my Google searches data mined and forced back on me as adverts I stopped useing Google and started useing DuckDuckGo.
I understand Steve. However, anyone accepting ads ought to have considered this and taken appropriate care.
Mark its definately not a good look for an Officeworks ad to turn up on the ANF website. Its just that the ad is actually generated by the viewers own web searches and not the ANF or their website. Its a growing problem thats really taken off in the last 6 months, and with consumers finally starting to take their privacy on line seriously I’m hopeing for a backlash that will see the likes of google and facebook who think your information is theirs to sell get a wakeup call. Theres nothing more ercksome than having something you googled 3 months ago continually turn up in all your online ads.
Not even sure this was even worth a discussion ,I mean it was the persons fault that sent it to you ,he was the one on officeworks website not the ANF
They dont have to be on the officeworks website Shaun. Probably just searching info on some stationary or office product and google decides your in the market for that and sends you an Officeworks ad.
Oh ok I just went off what popped up when I looked at it and it was pool pumps and exactly what I have been looking at .
I’m on the Officeworks site a lot – printing out their prices to show how expensive they are!
Shaun the ANF has most likely signed up to take the ads. This is on them. 100% dumb.
It’s on their blog, right?
They don’t control the ads. They can *pay* to have no ads on the blog, but then it would be costing money instead of generating money and probably wouldn’t exist.
Just ignore it like I do with most ads…
It’s on their blog, right?
They don’t control the ads. They can *pay* to have no ads on the blog, but then it would be costing money instead of generating money and probably wouldn’t exist.
Just ignore it like I do with most ads…
Just to put it into context the ANF could eliminate ads from there blog for less than 5 dollars per month. Lets not pretend this is about money it’s about ignorance.
The ads are not generated based on what websites you have already been to. If you had already been to the websites you wouldn’t need them advertised to you. It takes your search results and browsing history and matches you up with a business that suits and has given money to the advertising feed.
The ANF uses the WordPress publishing platform to publish its blog. From what I can see they have signed up to the Gravity ads service and added this to their blog. It’s a choice the ANF has made. That choice is what has led ton the ANF advertising Officeworks on their site.
The person responsible should resign.
In my opinion “the person responsible should resign” is an extreme over reaction.
Officeworks have a very handy app for your smart phone. Download it and then you can scan any stationery item in your shop and see Officeworks current price. Cartridges are generally 10% higher and my customers are impressed when I show them.
Dean what got me to the resign conclusion is that Officeworks is out most engaged competitor in the stationery space, especially at BTS time. If the body that claims to represents is not accountable for such a bad decision then what hope newsagents. It’s an opportunity for them to provide clear leadership.
Your comments regarding this matter are completely over the top and do not reflect well on you.
While I believe ANF has a lot to answer, and their performance is far from what I would expect it to be, I don’t think any criticism is warranted here at all.
I would suggest you drop this matter completely as it makes you look petty and out of step with reality.
Dean this is an open place where every view is welcome. I disagree with you yet I am not asking you to drop it not am I judging you personally for your comments as you are entitled to them. The post is up and that’s where it will stay.
The person won’t resign and the ANF won;t engage on this issue. That’s how they handle criticism usually – with ignorant silence. One day, newsagents will look back on the years of the ANF and realise that many millions of dollars of newsagent funds were wasted.
This stupid mistake of allowing Officeworks to advertise on the ANF is a small issue in the overall yet it reflects what’s wrong at the for of this disconnected and selfish organisation that puts its survival ahead of those it service.
Already have that too – handy for customer one on ones. I print their pages from their web however to display in store
Looks like I spend to much time on gumtree that seems to be the bulk of the pop up adds I am getting
Try the search engine Duckduckgo. Great for eliminating ads.
Geez…….I dont think I would want my browser history popping up ads…….lmao
Mark, you’re a fucking tossa.
You run a blog so I’m sure you understand how these advertisements work – this would be a reflection of the persons previous search results.
It’s clear you’re fishing for controversy. You claim to care about newsagents, but all I see here is an attempt to spin negative propaganda.
Anyone who actually cares about there business should head over to Small Business Big Marketing – no propaganda, just actionable advice.
I use adblock on my browsers so must’ve missed this party.
Joe, as I have explained, Gravity, the ad service is opt in from what their site says. My blog does not have ads and it is the same platform as the ANF.
Yes, I understand how ads work. Anyone signing up to an ad service can control the ads that appear either by allowing ads to using a service that lets you select from categories.
On your comments about this blog. There are many actionable ideas shared weekly as well as opinions from me and others, like you. Click on the links on the right for ideas and suggestions by tops.
I’m transparent about who I am and welcome all comments.
I’d note that you are using the same email address as Seb from Upton News who commented on the Officeworks price issue. I take it your comment here is more a protection of Officeworks than anything else.
I guess that’s the last we’ll see of Joes comments.
Why would you say that Andrew? There is no moderation here.