Check out the packaging of bananas at a Starbucks outlet I visited recently. I was surprised to see bananas packaged like this. But thinking about it, it’s the type of packaging I’d expect from a corporate business withers it is less about the product and more abut the packaging and how it serves the needs of the business.
If I owned a coffee shop near to this Starbucks and sold bananas I’d have ben, un-bagged, in a bowl at the counter.
This is something we need to think more about as newsagents – not how we package and sell bananas but how we can differentiate ourselves from the supermarkets, convenience stores and petrol outlets that are targeting more of what we do in our newsagencies. These national businesses are all about the supply chain – streamlining processes, cutting costs and maximising profits. For many newsagents the business focus is different.
My suggestion to newsagents is to look carefully at where these major retailers are competing with you and to find ways to speaks with your own voice through your product mix and how you represent the products.
It feels odd seeing bananas bagged as I did at Starbucks. The packaging is another step away from the natural product.