Like plenty of newsagents I am sure we received stock of The Queensland Country Women’s Association Cookery Book yesterday.
Network crows that delayed billing is to assist in maximising your sales. It’s delay billed to try and stop us early returning.
Here are my specific issues with issues with the scale of of The Queensland Country Women’s Association Cookery Book to newsagents:
- This is a book and not a magazine. We should be getting a book margin.
- I have this title in other forms. I have country favourite Aussie cookbooks – from which I make boot margins.
- My food section is full. There is no room for a new title.
- It’s full copy return. I am fined if I send this back!
- I had no say in supply. This is my money at risk yet Network spends without a care in the world and then comes chasing if I am late. All care and no responsibility.
The newsagent magazine distribution model makes it too easy for a new title to be scaled out with us taking the risk of time and space so a publisher can test a title and the distributor can gets their fee.
Given I have to allocate a new pocket, I should be paid $2.00 a week whether I sell a copy or not.
In QLD and didn’t get it figure that one out
For Network it makes sense.
This would sell here not a problem , I have never seen one of these cook boks but have often had customers asking about it over the years
Cookbooks should be a minimum of 40% sale/return. They should be sold in, an agreement reached on how many to receive as part of negotiated trading terms (Length of sale, returns etc.). All other chains receive these trading terms but not Newsagents, enough is enough, why should the largest selling channel receive the poorest deal? Make a decision as an individual & do something about it. Contact the Distributor, the Publisher, your marketing group, your association, pick up the phone, write a letter, blog, facebook, tweet, just do something for your own good.