If every newsagents needed a reason to quit Inside Out magazine it is the continued discounting being run for the title at Coles. Given how Coles operates this has to be a publisher initiative. The Exclusive to Coles bookmark in each copy tells shoppers to not purchase the title elsewhere so why should we stock it?
I don’t understand the ethics nor the social responsibility of this move. It seems dumb to me that a publisher deliberately and for the long term prices a magazine in Coles at 26% less that the price of the title elsewhere and less that we are charged for the title.
There is no sense in stocking a title that is priced in such a way as to make my business look expensive.
I also sent them a tweet in response to their promotion of this latest issue of Inside Out.
The Publisher would have achieved a greater result in giving Newsagents the extra commission. I know that if a publisher offered me 50% commission on a title I would push it like crazy.
As for Inside Out, I dont receive it anyway and even if I did it would be returned for exactly the reason you have pointed out Mark.