As part of the Jamie’s garden feature at Woolworths is this range of cheap plush being pitched near checkout counters. This plush is of the same quality as $3.00 plush items I have seen in in deep discount stores. At Woolworths it’s priced at $5.00. To me, the price seems high for the quality of what you get.
These gripes from a retail competitor aside, it’s a very clever and well thought out integrated campaign from Woolworths. They have a world renowned celebrity chef running a healthy eating campaign that has plants, plush, books and food being promoted. It’s this broad base across multiple departments that makes it an interesting campaign to watch. Very clever by Woolworths.
As for the plush, a couple of stands I looked at were almost empty so I guess people are buying these things.
Also very clever having the fruit and veggie farmers paying for it.
Thought of your post Mark. Reminds me why we only stock branded/quality plush.
Thanks Stacey. I’d missed this. Nice.