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Sunday newsagency marketing tip: give shoppers something to play with

sandsellsAlways have something at the front of your newsagency, at your entrance or just inside the front door if you are on the high street, for people to play with.

The right product to play with will attract new shoppers or people who, like kids, bring shoppers.

This product does not need to be something you traditionally sell but it needs to attract shoppers who will purchase products you traditionally sell.

For us, recently, the right product has been kinetic sand. Like many newsagents, we have sold many packs of sand, thousands of dollars worth, in the last few months. More than half has been purchased by people who never shopped with us or were infrequent shoppers.

The sand attracted them because they could play with it. Most who played purchased. Many who purchased sand purchased cards, magazines and other products.

The sand was a very effective marketing tool for us.

It’s a policy we have – always have something at the front of the newsagency facing into the mall that shoppers can play with.


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