When a customer placed another card from front of this one in the photo on Saturday I thought it was in error so I put the other card into its pocket. The same customer a couple of minutes later randomly picked a card and put it in front of this one. I asked why and they said because it’s pornography. I explained that many customers thought the card was funny the customer said I don’t care and walked out.
Another customer who saw what happened laughed and briefly clutched my arm – in comfort I think.
I’ve thought about both interactions a bit since it happened. Beyond the reminders that we serve a broad cross section of people in our shops and that our shops are public places, I have found myself questioning the ethics of what we sell.
I have no issue with this card. Indeed, I think it’s hilarious, and certainly not pornographic. But if someone does think it is pornographic then what do they think of other things we sell and what do they think of the business as a result?
While I don’t want to pander to fringe or extreme views, it is worth thinking through – to know where you stand.
I also wonder if this customer from Saturday is the person who slips Picture on the side so it can’t be seen? Are they the same person who covers DNA magazine? because someone does these things.
We won’t stock picture or any other real porn as we see ourselves as a family store with our customer being predominantly females with children. For the few we used to sell we felt we offended a disproportionate number of customers.
We had a woman complain about our “pornographic” swimsuit calendars last year. In the end I could not hold my tongue and advised her to go to the local council and have the swimming pool closed down and that she should then approach the bayside councils about the “pornography” at the beaches. The asked her not to return to our store. I was pleased that the other customers had a giggle and a couple even complimented me on the polite way I got rid of her. She was not going to buy anything and only came in to complain so I had no hesitation in treating her in this manner and I was very quiet and polite about it.
As for this card….what’s the problem??? It’s not such a fine line between bad taste and a bit of humour in what we stock.
For every person that complains about such cards, I’d say that there are 99 who stand and read them and have a laugh. You can’t please everyone.
Good card.
Mark, if your customer is offended by that card and the spirit in what it’s intended for then the same person would have a real problem watching FTA television where a lot more skin is on display than that card. Or the local beach or pool in summer for that matter.
I have the same members of the flat-earth society in my store from time to time mentioning how disgraceful the cover of Zoo or Picture is and why we need to display it in a Newsagency and should keep it under the counter if it must be sold. There’s nothing you can say to that will appease this customer other than to nod and smile and re arrange the display to ensure I sell more of them.
Brendan we are not moral police if the Picture or other mags offends some people then have a look at most mags we sell and in the end we won’t have any to sell.Id sell porn before tobacco any day
Couldn’t agree more about the tobacco vs porn P. The biggest problem with picture/people isn’t that their porn its that their such low brow trash.