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Sunday newsagency marketing tip: find out who has the best handwriting

Between now and Father’s Day in September we have no major retail season. While some will have mid year and stock take sales, they are not as strong as Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and the like. So, here is an idea for creating more traffic just for your business.

Run a competition looking for the person in your town, village, shopping centre or area with the best handwriting. Create an entry form on to which an entrant writes something abut themselves and what they like about handwriting.

Run the competition for a month. Put the entries on show somewhere in the shop (but hide entrant names) and get your customers to vote.

Where you place the entries on show promote writing pads, envelopes, pens and markers. Don’t be afraid to create a commercial connection with the competition. Make sure your logo and address are prominent on entry forms.

To extend the reach of the competition, circulate entry forms to local schools, retirement villages and community groups.

You could consider a variation by having entrants write something about your local area. Another option could be that you have prizes for different age brackets. Play with it appropriately for your situation.

I am suggesting a month to give the competition time to take hold and for you to get entries up so that interest builds.

The goal here is for you to do something different that those competing with you i the stationery space would not do.


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