Waiting for your bags at the airport can be a frustrating experience. Often the only information you have is the carousel they will come out on. The wait gives you time to think about your bags being lost – as happened to me at the start of this trip – and other problems.
I flew from Kansas City to Los Angeles with Delta Friday (US time) and had a very different bag experience in LA. I scanned my ticket at the kiosk terminal in the baggage claim area and the resulting screen gave me certainty that my bag was on the flight I was on. Above the kiosk was a sign advising when the bags from the flight would start arriving on the carousel. They were on time.
The ability to get certainty that your bags were on your flight is a leap forward in customer service in baggage handling. The advice of bag arrival time it a leap beyond that. Overall it was the best baggage handling experience I have had and far more than I expected.
My low expectations have been set by mediocre experiences at many airports in Australia and elsewhere.
Giving customers a better experience than they expect leaves them with good memories of your business and wishing others were as good as you.
We have to ask and challenge ourselves – how is the customer service we deliver better than the average newsagency customer service experience.
Each of us in our own businesses can set the benchmark and deliver better customer service than other newsagents. We can be known for something over which we have good control in our businesses.