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Here’s why they don’t label magazines in the US

magazinerecallTake a careful look at the text printed next to the barcode labels on these two magazines. Notice it says: Display until followed by a date. Since most magazines are sold in major / national retailers they do not need or want to micro manage magazines as we need to so only the recall date is important. If your supply was more commercially sensitive to our businesses and if publishers printed recall dates we would not need labels at all and that would be good.


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  1. shauns

    Really don’t think the idea is any good , you need to be able to see the recall date ,at the bottom of a magazine sitting in pockets wouldn’t work .also,the actualrecall date and the date it comeoff the shelf are to tottaly different things , use IPS for example Best bets come off the shelf on a monday but the actual recall is not in that weeks returns it is W18 and what are we up to now W14 i think ,so thats 4 weeks sitting there so you need the sticker to know when to send it back


  2. Peter

    These magazine it appears are also in full face pockets which would be a change for most of us.


  3. Mark Fletcher

    No Peter. Most US retailers do not have the full cover on show.


  4. Brendan

    If printed in the upper left corner this would work and save a lot of time and hence expense but as Shaun says the bottom of the magazine is next to useless


  5. P

    This is a no brainer WE should demand that this happens Put it in the top LH corner and don’t change the recall date. Simple


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