The Guardian has published an excellent piece on The Saturday Paper – it’s good to read more about this exciting launch and the people behind it and why they are bucking the trend and launching a print newspaper.
The Guardian has published an excellent piece on The Saturday Paper – it’s good to read more about this exciting launch and the people behind it and why they are bucking the trend and launching a print newspaper.
Must be powerful stuff that “Darjeeling Tea”.
Just curious, I was told by IPS that my subscriptions would be on top of my weekly supply of papers, I happen to be short by that amount.
How have other distribution agents been supplied for theirs?
Received our allocation of 12 copies at 8.10 am, sold all by 9.40 am
The test will be if the customers will still want it this time next week !
My first customer today (never seen him before) came in looking for The Saturday Paper. He told me he wants a paper worth reading.
He said he doesn’t go to the shops much and just as I was offering to home deliver him a copy from next week another customer came in with a sopping wet paper (this never happens!) so he chose to go with a putaway instead 🙂