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Are supermarkets carrying more plush?

colesplushIs it just me or are the major supermarkets ranging more plush in-store. I appreciate they carry more plush at seasonal times like Easter but it does feel like they have more everyday. Their prices are high for poor-quality product – nothing new there though. If only consumers would realise.


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  1. Allan Wickham

    I’ve definitely been noticing this too Mark. The offering is getting larger. I stood in front of our supermarkets range of plush and it felt “cold”. I got the feeling that you wouldn’t get the conversation at the counter that you would get from my store while making a purchase. Selling plush is very interactive, more often than not there is a story behind a plush purchase that the customer wants to share with us at the counter.
    Let the supermarkets try to match the buying experience, I know who will win.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    You’re right Allan. The supermarkets are also chasing cheap product and astute shoppers can feel this when they pick up the plush.


  3. Wally

    Is there anything supermarkets dont dabble in. They have bits of stationery,ink cartridges, cards, mags, toys, newspapers, plush, cold drinks and water. I reacted strongly last week to someone who asked for a stamp after buying a $9 valentines card in Coles and asked why she didnt buy my valentines card. the reply was “Oh I was just there”. i said to her I needed her business more than they needed and she promised to buy from me in the future. But that is what we fight ‘convenience’ and why the supermarkets try to cover everything when they have the space.


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