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Shock as Network Services is guilty of magazine oversupply again!

magsnetwv8V8X Supercar magazine failed the last time we had it in 2011. Network Services responded to the failure supplying the title to us recently as a volume three times the failed 2011 supply.

This scale out by Network doesn’t many any sense.

The Bauer controlled Network expects newsagents to pay their accounts on time yet they do not provide newsagents with reasonable levers with which to control their level of indebtedness. Network misbehaves on a daily basis, lumbering our businesses with unreasonable debt and insufficient tools with which to mitigate the situation. 

magazine distribution

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  1. BruceH

    They are all as bad as each other!! 5 copies of a new untried title from IPS this morning. Based on other similar titles, we will sell one at best. And no early return possible!!
    And I am sceptical at Network’s decision not to recall AWW Xmas edition in yesterday’s return file. Given that it was 50% oversupplied anyway, perhaps they were hoping we would “bank” it for them until January. At least we can early return!!


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Bruce with IPS if you did not order the title and you are sure it will not sell, contact them. They should accept the return.


  3. Brendan

    We received 15 Owner Driver magazines today. The most we’ve sold in the past 6 months is 6 and that was one issue with 5 or less sales every other issue. Gross oversupply by any measurement Network.


  4. Mark Fletcher

    Brendan, make a complaint to the Small Business Commissioner in your state. I’d be glad to help. This will haul Network in for a mediation on what you’d call grossly unfair behaviour.


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