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Abs cover shots bring Christmas joy

magsabsI suspected the two thirty-something ladies were up to go good in our men’s magazine area. They were laughing too much. Wouldn’t it be nice one said to the other looking at the abs on the guys on the covers of the three health and fitness titles. I could buy him all three and say that’s what I want the other said with a laugh. We can only dream the first lady said as she wistfully brushed the abs of the guy on the cover of Men’s Health.

When they turned to leave they saw me watching them and giggled like naughty girls.

Watching customers can be fun and occasionally creepy (if you get caught).


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  1. h


    I also love watching the older ladies look at the Spirit card range, daring to laugh at the naughty cards but sometimes not daring to buy one for their best friend!
    Human nature is funny isn’t it !


  2. Fifty something

    My vote – the smile on Eat Fit and the body on Men’s Health 🙂


  3. June

    When blokes buy motorcycle mags (with girl nearly naked on the front cover) I always say in my very loud voice “well that girl doesn’t come with the bike you know”
    and that always gets a laugh.
    Wonder if they ever come back for another mag – must look into that??????


  4. Carol

    Realised I am not longer getting old but am old when these magazines don’t even get a second glance anymore. Sad! I usually just look and think the best looking ones are usually Gay anyway.


  5. Brett

    My girls ogle the lads in DNA magazine – they know, but they just like the view


  6. h

    I fondly remember when my 12 yr old daughter picked up Muscular Development and said “oh yuk, fitness porn! are you allowed to sell that?” !


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