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What’s allowed at your counter?

I was talking with a newsagents today who faced the challenge of employees spending time handling text messages and checking Facebook on their phone. When I said they should have a no phones policy the newsagent, a new owner from a public service background, questioned a no phones policy. I said I’d open the topic here for discussion.

My view when it comes to employees what’s okay at the counter is: no phones, no bags, no notebooks, no food, no drinks, no smokes, no wallet. the counter is a work place and only items related directly should be there.

Newsagency management

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  1. Brett

    No phones, no bags, coffee is fine, no food, no smokes, no personal gear at all.


  2. BrettS

    The only exception here would be drink.
    Coffee, Water, softdrink


  3. michelle

    My policy is a little different. Drinks and snacks (non messy) – allowed. Phones allowed to be under counter to check messages from family (I have staff with small and school age children). Definitely no checking of facebook etc… on phone or POS. Bags, purses, jumpers etc… all not allowed at counter must be stowed safely in back room.


  4. Jarryd Moore

    We only allow a drink and a small snack (that must be kept out of sight – usually under the lotto counter).

    I don’t mind if managers have their phones. I keep mine on me at all times and allows me to access all our email, rosters and Facebook pages/groups. I also often use it to look up customer queries, products, etc and it’s always the quickest calculator to find.


  5. Brendan

    Drinks OK (it’s hard to talk to customers with a dry, furry mouth). Snack when we can’t get off the counter. NO phones or other gadgets that interrupt us and we endeavour to persuade our customers to show us the same respect regarding phones while we serve them.


  6. h

    Water bottle only. Worst 6 months of our lives was an employee who got enagaged and proceeded to plan her wedding from the toilet.


  7. Allan Wickham

    Only drinks allowed here. If I’m away I allow my full timer to have her phone nearby so I can send her group syndicate notices as they come through or other notices that maybe important.


  8. Andrea Holmes

    I have a strict no phone at counter policy, no drinks or food either.They can do this easily on there morning or afternoon tea break. If they need to be contacted in emergency this can be done on the landline.


  9. jenny

    The beauty of having older staff is we don’t have hassles regarding mobile phones. We can survive for hours without them. But for the Sat juniors they are to be left in cupboard behind counter.
    I had to write a phone policy because one particular young one was driving me mad with her phone.
    Coffee water on counter is fine.


  10. Vicki

    Coffee, water and a small non-messy snack okay. All else goes in the mail sorting area which is just over a partition wall from the counter. Staff can check their messages when they get a second, some have small kids, sick parents etc and need to be contactable. No problem so far with them abusing the privilege.


  11. Ben

    Water only, no soft drinks, no snacks. Phones and handbags locked in back cupboard – phones MUST be turned off otherwise they beep and ring all day. Staff have a 10 min tea break but no coffee/tea to come to the counter. They have a 30 min lunch break.

    This is a service industry and what we project is what we are. I have NEVER seen somebody at OfficeWorks with a cup of tea at the POS, nor have I seen somebody nibbling on some nuts at the DJ’s card counter.

    I run a large newsagency with multiple staff on every shift so for the small guy w just one staff member at work this would be harder. BUT it is the level of professionalism that our customers expect.


  12. Jarryd Moore


    Whats the difference between water, soft drink or tea/coffee? They’re all drinks.

    I ask only because I don’t drink water.


  13. h

    Jarryd, water is SO much easier to clean off the keyboard when the junior has a mishap !


  14. Mark Fletcher

    I’m fascinated by the responses and the number of them. For easiest management the answer has to be no beverages at all.


  15. Brett


    That might be the easiest but it is not the best IMHO. A drink is essential in a shopping centre, the aircond dries people out quickly. I’d much rather they grab a quick sip at the counter than have them trudge to the office and lose them to service.


  16. Angelo

    I know this issue has been raised before but it’s good to be brought up again from time to time.
    Everyone needs to drink at some time and in a role where you speak to customers a lot then it’s required as far as I am concerned. Customers know and appreciate this as well I’m sure. Just keep the drink out of sight and don’t have a skull in front of customers.
    Food is a different matter. I can’t appreciate any reason for someone to be eating in front of customers.
    Mobiles are a pet hate of mine. Sure we all have one but the excuse that staff need them at the counter in order to be contacted is a cop out. I have banned them at our counter though a few customers have told me that the juniors have their faces buried in their screen when I am not there. A few surprise visits seems to have at least tempered this behaviour. My view is that if staff need to be contacted urgently for some family matter they are mos welcome to use the shop phone to call the staff. Besides the call is cheaper for them.
    I would also add that I have banned staff from attaching their iPhones to the shop music player. The age demographic in my store is generally over 35’s and they don’t get or want to get Miley Cirus, Robyn Thicke, rap or heavy metal let alone some obscure band or singer my customers would never know or want to hear. Music in the shop is for the customers not staff gratification.
    Sorry if I sound a little autocratic but I want staff to give their full genuine attention to my customers in a welcoming atmosphere.


  17. Mark Fletcher

    Brett I guess I should have been clearer. Water ok – but in a drawer or cupboard and not out in the open at the counter.


  18. Lance

    We have 45yo woman on the counter/phones at work who spends most of her non-serving time on her mobile or doing her shopping on Coles or Catch Of The Day and the manager doesn’t give a damn. He’s just as bad with the example he sets for private internet use.
    The amount of time wasted is astronomical and he simply doesn’t see it, or is too soft to take action.
    Holding food, not eating it, while speaking to customers is another of their favourite past times.
    Counter behaviour is abysmal and staff would be cut instantly if I had control.
    Now, why do you suppose our counter retail sales have dropped off 41% over the last 12-24mths ?
    This is a domestic spare parts outlet, not newsagency.


  19. Jenny

    The other item not allowed at my counter is customers on their mobile phones. So rude!
    And I don’t like my staff piling up magazines as they put the labels on. It looks messy and disorganised and makes it difficult for customers putting their purchases on counter.
    Jarryd, you should drink water. It’s good for you.


  20. Jarryd Moore


    I’m sure we all consume things that aren’t good for us. For the record I do drink plenty of plain milk and tea.

    My point is that its hardly the place of employers to tell their team what they can and can’t drink (unless of course there are practical or safety reasons). IMHO that’s taking things way too far.

    Besides, I prefer my team energised with sugar and caffeine!


  21. Luke

    I’m merely an employee, but I always have a bottle of water behind the counter, I always have my mobile phone behind the counter and I occasionally have some lollies or a small packet of chips behind the counter to eat.

    I only use the phone when I am expecting my marks to be returned for uni. With food and drink, they are always out of sight when serving customers and I only eat the food when the shop is empty.

    PS. I don’t really have a 10 minute break where I can eat or check my emails during my shifts as they are usually 5 hours or less.


  22. Jenny

    Sorry Jarryd it’s the bossy mother in me:)
    We all drink coffee, though at times we would prefer something much stronger.
    Usually magazine days!


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