International magazine publishers using airfreight magazine distributor Speedimpex ought to check where they are placing their promotional stickler on magazine covers. Six different magazines I checked in a newsagency yesterday each had the stickers placed such that it was hard to tell the cover subject – devaluating the cover as a sales tool. Nuts!
As a consumer, these stickers are a nightmare. I spend hundreds each month on air freight magazines and these stickers often rip the cover when you take them off. They are the only product I know that you have to accept that removing the stickers will wreck the product. How this is allowable, I have no idea.
Also, I have to say, at least the Speedimpex stickers come off with relative ease. The round Gotch stickers on the other hand… Myself, and many others I know, subscribe to these mags now to avoid this. I would rather give my money to my local newsagent, but not for a product that is wrecked when you remove the stickers. I know it’s not the newsagent’s fault, but it’s something newsagents should consider going in to bat against if they want to sell premium price product like this. There is no way I would buy a 30-50$ mag where the cover is wrecked by stickers.