The front window of a retail newsagency is one of the most important marketing investments for the business.
A good window display will attract shoppers into the business and drive sales of the items prompted.
W good window display will surprise shoppers and challenge their expectation of what the business sells.
A window I saw last week stunningly used colour blocking to show off the range of products they sell. While colour is a key theme of this business, the window itself is inspirational for newsagents since we could try this given the colour of products we sell.
Colour blocking in a window display could see magazines, cards, gets, stationery and toys in the one display – getting shoppers to see items they did not know we sold.
Here’s another window from the same shop in my example. Fewer colours – vertically blocked. These are ideas we can play with – not all the time but enough to get new traffic for our businesses.
A window display like this for a newsagency would see us challenge customer perception about us and what we sell.
A window like this is easy to create.
Allocate limited time to create the display and be sure to measure the results.
lol, this has reminded me of a story I was told about a new and enthusiastic young employee who decided that the card control would look better if organised by colour instead of theme ………. took a week to get everything back in order again !
Very pretty though!