The Saturday Age today is promoting a deal offering the 2014 Good Food Guide for a discount with the newspaper. Because of a disconnect between Fairfax and retail newsagents we did not have the Good Food Guide. We lost sales. News Corp. in Victoria is building its connection with retail newsagents. fairfax should do the sale.
This is a shame. We had plenty to share with our subs (unlike last year). Some of the 7-11s were even allocated more Good Food Guides than newspapers. Do you have a poor relationship with your supplying agent? These promotions can be great when you have the stock. With good posters and marketing by the Age, it drove customers to my shop at a handy time.
Cameron in this store our supplying agent is in the centre and sees us as a competitor. Every request we put is met with a barrier. He does everything possible to reduce our sales. Thankfully News Corp. helps us with their products and offers like Nutella today.
Same here Cameron always plenty to share with our subs.
Mark complain complain and complain to your Fairfax rep if you don’t get any stock, all newsagents should have these.
As for nutella – why?? It’s just more work for us, not a traffic driver.The shop is so busy and we are sounding like broken records offering it to customers.
It’s doing my head in and making me a grumpy newsagent.