Despite not selling out since March and with an average sell through of under 50%, someone or some broken system or process within Bauer has decided we need more stock of their discounted magazine packs. It makes me wonder if Bauer has an allocations problem.
Click on the image and see the sales history for yourself.
Our supply should have been reduced, not increased. My preference is that I not get these discount packs at all as they send the wrong message. Shoppers have opportunities for discounts through a more whole of business approach. This serves my needs more than the Bauer enforced discount pack over which I have no control and in fact have to find another pocket to display.
But if I have to take this stuff then get the allocation right please!
Some in Bauer will complain that I am complaining unfairly. The data speaks for itself.
We tried phoning network a few minutes ago to find that they are closed to phone calls due to a training session. Fancy doing this on the morning of a magazine delivery day when queries for missing stock etc would be at a peak. This is no way to operate.
Mark are you trying to say something to Bauer with the headline on the cover “My Trust is Broken” ?
Nice one Peter. No. I just wish supply was based on sales data.
I totally agree with you on sales based data.
Also why have NW/OK Packs when the OK in the pack will be useless by Thursday when the New Issue comes out.
Mark the publisher will say it’s to grow sales. They say these bagged packs achieve that. When I ask for data, they refuse to share it.