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170,000 home delivery subscribers not enough for Oregon newspaper

The Oregonian newspaper in the US is cutting its seven day a week home delivery service to four days a week reports the newspaper on its own website. The newspaper has 170,000 subscribers.

What’s interesting in the move is that they will still publish seven days a week yet only home deliver on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

newspaper home delivery

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  1. June

    So does the deliverer have to buy a new much larger van to accommodate a double supply for two days etc.?
    Policy on the run with no regard for the
    end play.
    Having been a distributor/retailer for many years I remember when we had to deliver e.g. a bumper edition of the F/R and it was
    impossible to do it until later in the morning because of the room element in the vans.
    Thank goodness I no longer have those worries.


  2. Mark

    As Oregon have stated revenue from Newspaper advertising has dropped 50% since 2005 and last year alone dropped 9%

    As I have said before circulation numbers are not the main issue , revenue from advertising is. There are just so many more ways for a supplier/retailer to get their message out there now.


  3. KMc

    Our customers are making this decision, not the publisher. Customers who have a seven day per week order or subscription are already heading towards being a minority. We have a lot of customers take the paper on fewer days, or have a mixed order through the week and take everything on the weekend. We’ll deliver whatever the customers want, as long as the publishers print it.


  4. jenny

    Since when did the Financial Review out source their customer service to the Philipines??????????


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