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Promoting The Block one-shot

We are promoting The Block one-shot with this placement on the lease line as well as prime location with newspapers deeper in-store. This premium exposure puts the title in front of the maximum number of our shoppers. We’re competing with five other retailers in our centre.


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  1. June

    Mark, it sounds as if you still have your
    newspapers in a prime position (front)
    of your shops. We do too but I am seriously considering putting them at the
    back – I know Jarryd says he puts them at
    the back so that customers can walk past other product and perhaps buy.
    I was just meaning to give the papers their due place in my new RETAIL store so
    that it won’t be readily identified as a NEWSAGENCY.
    What do others think??
    I already ignore sellouts – I used to ring for extras day after day and still not get
    my supplies increased by the newsagent (I am now a subagent for papers only) and
    when I sell out I sell out.
    No more angst about it.
    I would hate to quantify how many more papers I could have sold in the last 4 years since I became a subbie instead of the agent. I used to crawl across the road to sell a paper and now I am giving them the space (small) they deserve and I consider that the publisher has lost thousands and thousands of papers just from my store because of irregular quantities supplied and no interest taken in sellouts.
    Multiply this around Oz and I think we all should know by now that we are sitting on a ticking time bomb with the print media.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    June papers are at the back of the shop. We have The Block in two locations.


  3. allan wickham

    June, I too used to spend a lot of energy in worrying about Newspapers but dont anymore. I`m like you, if we sell out we sell out. I have been known to go and buy extras from Woolies if I sell out too early though.
    If I was paid a decent commission on papers then I just might make the extra effort to ensure I never sold out but until then I guess we will never know exactly how many papers we could actually sell.
    This week has been hard as we have been getting our Daily Telegraphs a day late all week which puts the extra pressure on our Courier Mail stocks.
    I wish the powers that be would listen to “Retail” agents and “Subbies” about what could really be achieved in Newspaper sales, I would go as far as to say that they may even see growth instead of decline.
    Extra margins are obviously available to them given the type of discounts we see given for subscription services and for advertising incentives.


  4. allan wickham

    Oh and on the actual topic, nice display of the Block Mag Mark.
    Am hoping to get a few sales for this title too. We have them in front of the weeklies.


  5. jenny

    Guys, distribution agents also have supply problems, we are both and often my shop runs out.
    Very frustrating as I know we could sell more papers if they let us set our own supply.


  6. rick

    anyone else have their supply of Take 5 substantially reduced this week? Network do this often with popular mags, just drop supply for one week for no reason.


  7. Shaun's

    Not this week but yeah it happens same as women’s day


  8. Jarryd Moore

    June, we put our papers reasonably deep into the store . Not right at the back but definitely nowhere near the door.

    If your worried about it, just ask what supermarkets do. Bread and milk are almost always at the back of the store. If your store has the flexibility make the move gradually. Move them 1/3 or 1/2 way in to begin with, then after a month or two move them even further in. Make sure you put the correct mix of products in the pathway to/from their location – things customers are likely to impulse buy.

    We gave up on sell-outs as well. Our supplying agent usually has plenty of extra stock. They once made the comment that we should send customers down to them if we run out – I don’t fucking think so!


  9. allan wickham

    Thanks for the laugh Jarryd,
    i just spat beer all over my computer screen……LMAO!!


  10. Adrian

    June we are a country town newsagent and we have put our newspapers near the back of our store. Newspapers still make up a healthy percentage of our daily takings and we have seen no real drop in sales compared to other stores. also our drink and milk fridge sits next to the papers now



    T5 CUT 18% (45 DOWN TO 36)
    1 LEFT

    BUT MINDFOOD UP 100% (2 TO 4)


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