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Magazine delivery day change survey for newsagents

Following my blog posts on the magazine delivery day change here and here, I have prepared a brief survey canvassing newsagent opinions about the change as I am concerned that newsagents were not fully consulted.  Please click here the link to take part in the survey.

I am gathering state and type of newsagency data as this could be useful in analysing the results. I suspect we will see different responses in different situations.

I will leave the survey up for a few days to harvest a reasonable number of responses.  I’ll publish the results in full here.

magazine distribution

Join the discussion

  1. carol

    I hope every remote newsagent responds to this survey. We will be taking another death blow to our businesses with Friday arrival of mags we now get Thurdsays. Please email QNF, ANF and magazine companies expressing your concern. Powerball particularly jackpots drives customers into our stores but we will not have their regular weeklies to sell them to build on to sales. Many country customers live a long way out of town so we will just miss out all together.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    234 responses so far.


  3. Mark Fletcher

    317 responses so far.


  4. Mark Fletcher

    Now at 353 responses.


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