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Here’s a reason I’d like to control my magazine supply

Here is an example of why I want to control my magazine supply.  In a newsagency in Queensland last week I saw this food title. I’d love to have this in my newsagency, it could work as part of my Keep Calm Carry On range. the current push model makes it difficult for us to use what we know to get more of what will sell in our shops.

Magazine distributors rely on flawed models that continue to supply magazines in an inefficient way. If only they wanted to sell more magazines.

magazine distribution

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  1. Jenny

    I’d love to have this title in my Newsagency, would be good for Mother’s Day – who is distributor?


  2. Brendan

    Gordon & Gotch 51879 rcvd 4/3/13


  3. Jenny

    Thanks Brendan


  4. Australian Family Tree Connections

    With respect, Mark, a magazine distributor’s raison d’etre is not to sell more magazines. That is the magazine publisher’s aim.

    I do agree with you though that the best supply method is the pull model.

    I believe some distributors are cashing in on some magazine publishers’ ignorance, described in my comments under Are magazine publishers and distributors abusing newsagents with delayed billing?

    Could it be that some distributors are so busy supplying ‘bagged mags’ and overseas titles they don’t have time to properly advise newsagents of all the interesting titles they have contracted to distribute?


  5. Jarryd Moore


    If a magazine distributors aim is not for retailers to sell more magazines then they have a seriously flawed business model.

    If they believe that they should only aim to distribute more magazines then they are party to their own false economy. A business model that damages both your suppliers (publishers) and customers (newsagents) can not go on forever.


  6. Mark Fletcher

    Jarryd, most of their revenue comes from freight and not sales.


  7. Australian Family Tree Connections

    Jarryd, magazine distributors get their distribution fee regardless of whether magazines sell or not.

    As I have commented elsewhere, 2 of the existing 3 magazine distributors virtually encourage over-supply, and yes, when and if the false economy bubble bursts, sadly it will be the printing companies that bear the brunt.

    I think people can debate business models till the cows come home. To my mind, it is all about ethics. Gordon Gecko still has a lot to answer for!


  8. Australian Family Tree Connections

    Apologies for insulting reptiles, his surname is Gekko!


  9. Jarryd Moore


    I understand that. My point is that if they continue with a model that focuses entirely on how much they can freight over the short term it harms them in the long term.

    If distributors encourage oversupply from publishers it reduces publisher profitability and subsequently viability. If they continue to oversupply newsagents it reduces newsagent profitability and subsequently viability.

    They know both the publishing and newsagency industry are hurting when it comes to magazines yet their current model does nothing to help the situation. Distributor revenues are, in the medium and long term, linked to that of newsagents and publishers.


  10. Jenny

    I can’t believe the 2 I received were early returned! It’s not just about controlling supply with distributors it’s also about not letting staff have any control over early returns. Sorry publisher.


  11. Jenny

    Cleo – not a great seller any more, however they have relaunched it with new look and new price. Only received 7 (have 3 subs for mags) but NO STOCK AVAILABLE!!!


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