Changes by Network Services around the handling of supply of and backorders for the James Bond DB5 partwork are causing newsagents and their customers considerable frustration, lost time and, in some cases lost money. And the company appears to care less about it.
For some time now we have had issues on backorder to address undersupply issues. Around two weeks ago, network advised that they had cancelled all backorders. We called customer service and they advised that we would have to reorder issues and that they would be firm sale. We were also told that as our orders had been cancelled by Network and reorder would place us at the bottom of the queue.
Regulars here would know that I am a big fan of partworks. These flip flops and poor customer service from Network challenge that commitment. Their ineptitude in relation to the James Bond DB5 make us look bad. For a meagre margin it’s not worth it with this title.
I have had a customer waiting for 1 part of this for about 4 to 5 months. It is the main part that all the other parts come together with. Very frustrating for the customer,myself and my staff. Had to reorder this week as dropped off after 105 days (i think). Customer has asked about a refund if does not get it soon. As previously said if cannot supply the whole partworks in reasonable time do not offer or promise at all. I am reconsidering all partworks at present.
I have a customer who is missing 9 parts so far with none of these backorders so far fulfilled. It actually looks like a couple of the issues aren’t even available for backorder on the Network system as they aren’t listed in the backorders listing.
My question is who is responsible for refunding him if they do not turn up ? I believe it’s up to the distributors to do so since I had no choice on whether I took the part works or not nor was I able to set a supply amount. Interestingly I had one of the Dolls House partworks issues that was on backorder get cancelled with a note that it was unsupplyable and would not be fulfilled.
What a load of shite from the distributors getting dumped on us again.
Same issues with us. Surely the supplier has an obligation if not a contract with the customer chain to fulfill supply of these partwork series especially models and such that are worthless if not completed. My customers are very understanding but if this changes I will do as I have in the past and put them in direct contact with the distributor so they can rectify the situation.
Has anyone had issues 65 & 66 of this? Despite having sales for every issue prior we didn’t receive either and was told by customer service that they were late arriving and would be available when they arrived in the country.
I have tried to backorder them but they don’t appear on the list on the web site.
I know some of you like partworks, but for me this is just another example of the sales model simply being more trouble than it is worth. We could be spending our time doung so many more productive and profitable things.
KMc, here’s the thing – I’ve got data for some businesses showing partworks worth 15% of all magazine sales so far this year and generating positive cash flow and delivering excellent GP. Money in the bank despite the stuff ups.
I need 65 and 84 so I can start to build. Has anyone received these as yet. Also do we need 32b for the car, I only received 32a/c – b was covered up with a sticker.