The rate of enquiries I am receiving from manufacturers and importers keen to connect with the newsagency channel has increased this year.
I’d usually hear from a prospective new supplier every three or four weeks. I’ve had eight enquiries in the last three weeks. Each with very different products, most new to the channel.
The vast majority of new products I hear about would rely on existing traffic to be successful. While this is good in terms of driving shopper efficiency, I am more interested in products that deliver their own, new, traffic to newsagencies. These products (and services) are gold to us and ought to be pursued relentlessly.
What are those new products that drive new traffic to Newsagencies? Papers certainly don’t do it now.
John, This is something I discuss in my benchmark studies. For over a year now I have been pointing to the widening gap between newsagency businesses that are growing and those that are declining.
Know your area and the interests of those who live there. Serve them.