I like the connection with the Anzac spirit on the cover of the latest Homespun magazine. It’s something newsagents could support – for quilters and others who would like to make something special to connect with Anzac Day this year.
We are doing several things: educating our team members about the title, ensuing the full cover is on display and featuring it in display (next week).
Whereas other retailers will see this as a product to sell, we see it as something some our customers will appreciate long after purchasing the title from us. Our job is to help them see this.
It has sold well for us but it goes back next week, ANZAC day is a while off yet.
Just a quick bitch about craft magazines – when will publishers understand that customers do not want magazines in bags, they want to look at the magazine before purchasing, and most don’t want back issues as the regulars already have them, and they take up doulbe the space on my shelves!
Off topic- how could Network NOT supply a copy of the AFL Prospectus to every newsagency – at least in Victoria where the support base is so strong?
We have ordered it now on and it’s on back order but we have customers asking about this title now (lost sales).
We missed out on it last year even though I made phone calls trying to source it. This is one of those titles that should not slip through the cracks in football mad Victoria or the other AFL states.
Jenny is right, Mark. The February issue of this magazine is due out tomorrow, so you won’t be able to create a special display next week.