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Darrell Lea in discount confectionery

The photo shows Darrell Lea chocolates in a Sweet As discount confectionery outlet on the weekend. I am not sure if this will be a regular offer at Sweet As.

It could be that these are chocolates discontinued by the new owners of Darrell Lea.

If I was a Darrell Lea outlet nearby I’d be unhappy.


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  1. Lance

    Is there a bright future for the new Darrell Lea business, or will they become just another lolly supplier ?
    Be very sad to see them as the latter………..


  2. Adam

    Can someone tell us how long our friends at Aust. Post have been stocking DARRELL LEA Licqorice for? Looks like a desperate company trying to get in anywhere?


  3. Mark Fletcher

    Not a surprise Adam. They are making it a mass offering, diluting the value in what was a respected brand in my view.


  4. Peter

    As a result of this I am now getting out of Darell Lea.

    Adam, the Post Office has now stocked it for just over a week.

    Darell Lea in my view has downgraded itself to the confectionery space and a 20% margin for a confectionery product is not enough.

    Campbells are now selling Darell Lea.


  5. Peter

    Further I might add the ones I feel for are the remaining Darell Lea Licensees. If they have not diversified by now they are stuffed. Darell Lea now apparently only supplies them if they have product left after supplying Supermarkets, Campbells, the Post Office and others. I agree hole totally with Marks Comment about the Brand. It was this brand and exclusivity that Made Darell Lea attractive.


  6. MAX

    Local IGA has a small cardboard Darrell Lea stand down the back corner. They also have a giant Cadbury display right at the registers.


  7. Lance

    Lance // Jan 28, 2013 at 9:30 PM
    Is there a bright future for the new Darrell Lea business, or will they become just another lolly supplier ?
    Be very sad to see them as the latter………..

    Looks as though they have chosen the latter path.
    Yep, sad to see that happen. The company will probably survive and still make a few bucks, but at what cost…….


  8. Jenny

    Woolies now selling Nougat Eggs and at a cheaper price! They will probably do Dad’s bags and Xmas puddings – there goes our best sellers!


  9. Peter

    Wednesday before Easter Darell Lea Half Eggs and other plus Choclatier all 25 % off in Government Post Office over the road.

    Good Bye Darell


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