It’s easy to be lulled into a sense of saturation when you consider the number of mobile phones per capita in Australia and other first world countries – thinking that more retail space selling the devices is not needed.
The reality is that telcos and others are expanding the retail footprint selling mobile phones. This is helped by churn – people switching telcos, new devices – the continued rise of the Android and additional purpose need – the desire to separate work and personal use and therefor have additional devices.
I’ve been looking at the UK market this morning and see that Phone 4U is rolling out 100 new retail locations this year. I understand that a couple of Australian telcos are also targeting retail footprint growth this year.
I mention this for consideration by newsagents looking for changes in-store this year and for additional traffic drivers. becoming a telco specialist will work well in some situations, especially high street and regional and rural situations. I know several newsagency businesses that are local telco destinations and they appreciate the new traffic this brings.