Our live in-store newsagency specific radio station is 100% committed to Australia Day today with a smorgasbord of Australian music. Today’s programming is perfect for the day, providing an excellent soundscape for us, showing we’re connected with the day by supporting Aussie talent.
My oldest granddaughter (17) is going to
Gov. House today to receive a community
service award for teaching English to Refugees who live at Inverbrackie Hostel
in the Adelaide Hills.
Talk about proud – I had to spread the joy
I’ve been telling customers all morning.
June, how lucky you are to have such a beautiful grandaughter. She must be a very special girl!
Hi June- Jamie from newsagents ON AIR here… that’s a great story! I’m going to feature that on our next hourly in store news bulletin if you don’t mind. You should be proud… so allow us to spread the message to another 600+ stores for you across Australia. PS: We’re thinking of all businesses affected by this weekend’s weather event and will keep everyone up dated across the day. Thanks for supporting newsagents ON AIR, the radio station for newsagents.
Hi Jamie, I’m embarrassed to tell you that
I’ve never heard of Newsagents On Air so
perhaps you can tell us a little more about
it here? (I’m sure Mark won’t mind).
I rang my granddaughter to tell her (Hannah) and she said “I didn’t do much
really” but I don’t agree.
I think if we all did a little bit like her our
world would be a much kinder and more
tolerant place.
Hi June, Don’t be embarrassed as we are under the radar and are just quietly growing our business through a combination of word of mouth and some marketing around the annual GNS Trade Fairs. We’ll probably make a bit more of a noise this year, as we’ve only been around for just over 12 months, taking over a previous service which became defunct. newsagents ON AIR (NOA) is a dedicated radio station for ALL newsagents- current subscribers include Nextra, Lucky Charm, News Power and independent stores. (newsXpress have a different station dedicated to their memebers and marketing message) NOA has actually been around longer, the newsXpress version is a spin off, but the common thread of both stations are the messages from our announcers about supporting local business, thanking and acknowledging shoppers for coming in (and reminding them why they should come back again by including promotion of ‘next day’ magazine titles as they come on sale).The secret is AUDIO (unlike a TV screen) enjoys total sphere of influence in the retail environment and can genuinely shape the direction of traffic flow. Companion purchase opportunities are always being mentioned too, as we do our bit to increase basket size. It’s a bit of a hybrid station music wise with a broad based music format that can be listened to all day, every day (In others words- a HUGE music library!). We do our own news which is retail friendly and all the ads are newsagency products. NOA is a very affordable NON contract month to month subscription and the program is accessed over the internet. Hard headed business ROI scrutiny aside (I’m told the break even is something like a $4.95 birthday card each day and if we are doing that then everyone is happy from all accounts).but we do find most of our current subscribers LOVE the music, the LIVE announcers (This is a RADIO station- not an ipod on shuffle) and the access to put their own store on the national map with birthday cheerios (believe it or not- our most popular program segment).
National promotion of local events like the recent Geelong Revival Motoring event for our subscribers Elaine and Geoff at East Geelong news also gives us a bit of a Macca style ‘Australia all over’ feel and we’re cool with that comparison. I guess it’s a bit like an old fashioned AM country radio station, a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll, and some new stuff thrown in when the schoolies are in your shop! You’d be surprised to discover just how passionate our current listener base is about our station and we are truly humbled with some of the feedback we get. I’ve put that down to the companionship built up between our friendly announcers and store owners. We know Retail= long hours. If NOA adds to their day while increasing the odd stock turn here and there well- what price a happy work day?
Thanks for letting me have a little rant- As you can tell I AM very proud of the team behind it (just like you’re proud of your grand daughter I guess) because they put in so much effort to engage. Today they really excelled with an awesome music special. I was wrapped and I wish you could’ve heard it too… We have so much great Australian music.
newsXpress provides this live in-store radio service free to all members.
june sign up today, its the best. I love it.
it adds a real professional touch to the shop, and the music is great