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What will happen with Friday magazine deliveries?

With the move of OK! magazine from a Friday to a Monday for Eastern Seaboard newsagents begs the question of the future of Friday deliveries.

I wish we received more of our weeklies on Fridays as this would help drive weekend traffic.  Weekends bring us new and often non-local shoppers.  That said, I understand the importance of the Monday traffic for so many other newsagents.

In WA, SA/NT & Far North Queensland the move is from a Monday delivery to a Wednesday delivery.

magazine distribution

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  1. azeem

    Friday is easily the best day for us to have magazines arrive – for all the best retail reasons. Wednesday is the next best, and Monday is actually the dead duck day. It only works because it’s what people are use to. If it changed customers would adapt.


  2. Shaun's

    Monday perfect for sales ,Wednesday is the best day of the week , Friday is a almost a complete wast of my time for magazines because most of it is overseas &$(: that gets early returned anyway excePt for a couple of good sellers eG people’s friend ,my weekly etc


  3. Bill

    Great! I have been getting 2 copies of OK on a Monday(continually cut back over recent months) and then 3 copies on SBR which rocks up too late now.
    All SBR on weeklies arrive too late. I don’t see why they cut the allocation on weeklies to as slim as possible but then over allocate everything else.


  4. carol mckinna

    Give a thought for remote agents and there are plenty of us. Move your delivery a day and so you move ours a day. We receive deliverys on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. Saturdays are a waste of time and could be combined with Tuesday or Thursday. In our town Thursday is our busiest shopping day for the entire town. Magazines arriving on a Saturday at 9.30am is something I could do without.


  5. Brendan Mason

    We receive so few magazines on a Friday (in comparison to Wednesday) that I too would rather devote 2 days a week to magazine arrivals. The time made available on a Friday could then be devoted to preparing for weekend trade


  6. June

    In the 35 years that I have been a newsagent the weeklies have rotated from Friday, to Monday, to Wednesday and back to Friday and now Monday at least 6 times so it is all to do with logistics, people and nothing to do with us.
    The distributors will do anything to save them money but we are not in the equation.

    I cannot believe how much angst this has caused and how lots of agents expect Mark to “fix it”.
    We need to take responsibility for our own
    businesses and that means handling our own problems.
    We should leave Mark with the “big picture” because he is so good at it but if
    we keep bombarding him with “little picture” problems he won’t have time for the other.
    We (me included) sound like kindergarten children sometimes instead of grownups in charge of a business.
    Yeh it’s Sunday and I wish I wasn’t here today – the sun is shining and there are lots of other things I’d rather be doing.


  7. Vicki

    Makes no difference to me when they come, so long as all of our area is getting them at the same time. Customers will adjust, or buy a different, hopefully more expensive mag instead.


  8. Jenny

    When we did receive woman’s day and new idea recently on a Friday (pregnant Kate I think) we hardly sold any on the weekend.
    I would hate to see delivery of mags go from 3 to 2 days a week as Wednesday takes so long to get them marked and out I much prefer the smaller deliveries of Monday and Friday.


  9. June

    Jenny, the publishers need to know that (about the early edition not selling).
    They constantly think they are getting the march on their competition and it almost NEVER works.
    Women are creatures of habit and they wouldn’t even look for the magazine on a Friday (once off).
    Years ago I would have argued that my customers (in SA) were being impeded but I now have enough knowledge to know that all they do is sacrifice their current edition and lose sales on both.
    I don’t argue for the early delivery any more. It is what it is!


  10. bruce

    Yep, customers do not generally buy the early editions, and any that do are unhappy that it will be 10 days before their next edition is available.


  11. Al Grant

    Spot on Bruce and June. We get the same result in our store on the Sunshine Coast as you both do.


  12. Jenny

    We received our Friday magazine delivery from GG today (invoiced for 3/5/13) but not for Network.


  13. Shaun's

    That happens here from time to time


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