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Driving impulse purchases of cheese

Something else impressive about Whole Foods Market is their placement of products outside their usual location. In several of their stores I noticed these ice-packed dump-bins with cheese … next to fruit and next to vegetables. This is an excellent idea for driving impulse purchases, something we could do more of in our busy newsagencies.

Whole Foods don’t follow the Australian tradition of wide aisles and keeping products in designated areas.

visual merchandising

Join the discussion

  1. gavin

    Next time you are in Sydney, check out one of the bigger Harris Farm Markets branches – they use this tactic.


  2. Richard

    Building the basket. The sign on the cheese suggests using the cheese with Pesto or tomatoes. Salad Greens and tomatoes on the display adjacent. Our products may be different but the tactic is the same. What can we suggest to go with what.


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