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Driving volume sales of Christmas decorations

I  noticed this hang-sell display of Christmas decorations yesterday. It’s a volume, mass merchant, approach. I was drawn to the display from 30 or so metres away because it looked like there was a big range on offer. It looked more bold than the photo suggests.

This is the approach I am thinking about for next year. Going out early and taking more of a mass approach than the boutique approach taken this year with Christmas decorations.

visual merchandising

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  1. Jarryd Moore

    I think a mass approach works best with Xmas decorations. If you’re going to be in that category, really be IN it.

    The problem with boutique decorations is that it’s a limited category and likely appeals mostly to those wanting to give them as gifts.

    A mass approach is likely to attract a different kind of shopper; one who is looking to update some of their decorations or purchase a complete new set.

    Personally I’d never buy a one-off decoration and don’t know many that would. When it comes to Xmas trees, the ‘department store’ look has been the trend for some time. People need a big range and a lot of stock to achieve this.


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