My newsagency software company uses videos as a means of training newsagents. I urge other suppliers to take this approach as it provides a resource newsagents can share with their employees – getting everyone in the business on the same page. Here is the latest video released this week: 5 Time Saving Tips For Newsagents.
For suppliers considering creating videos: keep them on topic, short and easily accessible. Don’t worry too much about your IP – people find ways to discover what you are doing and copy your innovation.
Newsagents themselves could create videos for their staff, especially when they are going away – again to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Hey mark who has copyright of the files we get from suppliers?
Jeff no one. XchangeIT would claim they do. However, the initial structure was first published by an ecommerce committee established long before XchangeIT was created. That file structure published by the ecommerce committee was something developed in consultation between and involving suppliers and software companies.
Today’s XchangeIT file structure, while modified by XIT, owes its heritage to that early work. Of course, many suppliers use this or a very similar structure. So, it’s in wide and what once could call open source type use.