Newsagents should be pleased with the offer from Pacific Magazines for the Better Homes and Gardens Christmas cookbook. That we can opt in, achieve a 50% margin and enjoy delayed billing is terrific.
We are in control.
This is a beef I have with magazine distributors – they demand we pay on time yet they do not provide us with any reasonable ability to control our level of indebetedness. This to me is an area where we could challenge Network and Gotch (to a lesser extent) legally. Their treatment of newsagents with one-sided terms is appalling. It disgusts me.
Okay, rant over and back to this terrific offer from Pacific for the Better Homes and Gardens Christmas cookbook. It respects newsagents. We choose if we take it on. We choose the volume we receive. Our margin is book-level margin. The billing is delayed until December.
We have ordered for my stores. This is an excellent product backed by an excellent brand. The opportunities to promote with the magazine are excellent. I hope more publishers follow the lead from Pacific. Actually, it’s something I’d like to see ACP do with its cookbooks.
Mark ,acp do have some cook books as firm sale ,I cannot remember any names it has been awhile since I have asked for any and I presume being firm sale that the margin would be higher
what is the retail price of this Christmas cookingbook? how you order it? readers are offered to get this book for $49.95 from Insert of December Better home Garden.
Talk to Pacific Magazines about joining nexus. Here is what they sent to newsagents:
Orders come with following terms:
Min order: Order by the box: 1 box consists of five books ($99.75/box)
Delayed billing until December 2012
Min order: 5 copies (1 box)
RRP: $39.95 (GST Inc.) – Promoted in BHG and other Pacific Magazines titles
Supported with promotional Point Of Sale
Should be for all NEWSAGENTS not nexus