I am hosting NEWSAGENCY OF THE FUTURE: START HERE, a completely new workshop for newsagents only (no suppliers) with new content specifically targeting options for newsagents who want to restructure their businesses for the future (and today).
The workshop will run for two hours with plenty of Q&A time. It will cover specific traffic generating and basket building ideas for newsagents in shopping centre, high street and rural situations. I’ll look at strategy and tactics.
The dates so far are:
- Sydney – July 17 @10am venue TBA
- Brisbane – July 18 @10am venue TBA
- Adelaide – July 19 @10am venue TBA
- Melbourne – July 20 @10am venue TBA
Our future is up to us. No supplier is going to deliver a future for us. We have to back ourselves, in our own businesses. This starts with us being aware of an accountable for our situation.
This is not a sales session. All newsagents are welcome. Attendance is free. One of the workshops will be video taped and an edited version made available for download.
Hi Mark,
Will you be running regional workshops too? I’m based in Geelong so will skip Melbourne if that is the case.
I think I will Gary as this new series looks like it will be popular.
Mark will you get to places outside Brisbane again?
Mark and what about Perth and Wa
Wally I am working on that. I am speaking at the Lotterywest conference and will cover some of this content there.