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Where do you put Feng Shui magazine?

I have been contacted by Fraymond Lew, publisher of Feng Shui World magazine – distributed here by IPS.  Fraymond has contacted me seeking advice on how to help newsagents sell more copies of the specialised title.  It’s terrific he has reached out to newsagents.

Here is some information from Fraymond which could help newsagents:

The magazine itself is more of a lifestyle magazine that mainly caters to women. I would love for it to be placed in the women’s lifestyle section but can’t seem to figure out how to convince the newsagents to do that. I some how think that that would help or I could be wrong altogether.

Please if you can give an insight or advice on what I can do to make the magazine sell better it would be very much appreciated. you can email me or call my shop 03 90786596 or on my mobile 0413731835. Thanks.

I am being a bit lazy passing on the request here but I hope newsagents do contact Fraymond with ideas. It’s niche titles like this which can help us retain special interest customers.


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  1. SHAUN S

    maybe the answer to this one is actually inside the magazine , isn’t that what Fengshui is all about “positioning of objects “


  2. Brendan

    I’d use dual locations to see what worked best. 1) With the spiritual magazines such as destiny 2) with the home decoration magazines. Woman’s lifestyle would come after this but this is said without having seen the magazine so I stand to be corrected.


  3. June

    have just arrived my mags for next Monday and I am getting 82 Royal Wedding mags at $9.95 from Network.
    Seeing as the wedding was about 15 months ago and seeing as Kate is on the
    front cover of most English mags most weeks and also seeing as it will be 28th of
    May (2 days before month end) I don’t imagine that I will be keeping them.
    It is a blatant grab for cash and it is a trumped up idea that people will continue to buy photos of the wedding that they have seen dozens of times week after week in the glossies.
    If it had been dated the 1st June I would have considered keeping some but one item costing so much of my cashflow and unsolicited is just outrageous.
    What do other agents think?
    Am I just being too negative?
    Is there really an “opportunity” here that I might miss or do I know my industry well
    enough (33 years) to know when I am being conned?


  4. shauns

    june i have not arrived mine yet but if it is anywhere near what you are recieving they will be straight out the back door


  5. h

    Perhaps the description is in error and they have to do with the Jubilee instead ?

    we wait and see………. we have the ability
    to control the outcome after all, don’t we ?

    I have been showcasing the Royals discreetly for the last 2 weeks, with not
    a lot of pick-up. But, there’s still time, and I do have an older demographic.
    After all, I sold a couple of One Direction
    mags today………


  6. Mark Fletcher

    June I think you might find it is the Queen’s 60th anniversary title.


  7. Ricky

    It certainly shouldn’t go any where near a mirror or an open door. We’re going to consult with our Geomancer (Feng Shui master) . It’s best to take professional advice and not try and second guess The Force.


  8. rick

    if it truly is a womens lifestyle mag as suggested, i think they could improve sales by giving it a better name. current name does not suggest its a womens lifestyle mag, more of a spiritual type mag which would have a different target market. hard to know as i have not seen the mag before.


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