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Gotch missed It Girl One Direction opportunity

The magazine of the Week from Gordon and Gotch this week is the It Girl One Direction one shot. except that they did not allocate us any stock and did not tell us about the title.  Seriously. It’s almost they are keeping this title a secret. We ordered stock and then had to wait for the account magazine to give permission for us to be sent the stock. All of this from a magazine distribution which exists to help publishers and newsagents sell magazines.

While the magazine distribution experts at Gotch are sure to have their excuses for this oversight, they won’t tell newsagents. I can’t get the company to respond to any query or complaint yet they will complain to others about us. Childish.

The best way to avoid me writing blog posts like this for Gotch to fix these issues and to help newsagents sell more magazines by getting allocations right.

Thankfully we have been given permission to get 50 copies of this title.

magazine distribution

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  1. JONO

    We do not get allocation on any one direction magazines. When i ring up to chase the stock it is too late.


  2. Brendan

    We received 10 and while downloading the labels I ordered an extra 10 of which we received 8. I was surprised to get the extras as I ordered them before this initial stock was delivered and this is not usually possible so I don’t know how it happened to work for us.


  3. newsagent

    Thanks for the post Mark. I wasn’t even aware this mag existed!

    I immediately logged on this morning and ordered some and its been ‘approved’. Not sure if they will arrive – but at least Ive tried.



  4. h

    I didn’t know about this either till reading here this morning, by which time I had sold 5 out of six and do you think I can find #6 in the shop this arvo ha ha ha………….. still haven’t personally sighted the product! Can’t order more naturally, sold out.

    Look this has to be the most wonderful case study for all the kids enrolled in Marketing and Communications at Uni.
    The print media have to be getting worse and worse at promo, I suppose they are concentrating so hard on electronic media, twittering away and facebooking each other, but why print stuff if they don’t want to advertise print product?
    EVERY single publisher wants us to visit their website every day to see what’s new.
    OK, so I rock up to work and to start my day I have to have to log on to :
    Local paper home page,
    Melbourne Herald Sun ( for subscrition changes)
    Melbourne Age ( for subscription changes)
    Sydney Morning Herald ( for subscription changes)
    Sydney Telegraph ( for subscription changes
    Fin Review (for subscription changes)
    Gordon and Gotch ( for mag of the day/week)
    Network (for mag of the day/week)
    For Arts Sake

    ……….. and there’s more …….

    NSW Lotteries ( for weekly newsletter0
    Pacific Publications ( for mag of the week/promo)
    Hallmark ( sale of the day/week)
    John Sands ( sale of the day/week)

    oh, and let’s not forget

    NANA website
    ANF website
    WU website
    My bank’s website ( in case they have fore-closed on me LOL)
    Govt websites (for wage changes – multiple awards)
    OHS website
    Super Coy website ( multiple, for each employee)
    Workers Comp website
    Insurance Coy website

    Need I go on.
    Now I’m not a corporate entity that can
    afford to employ another person to keep up to date with everything all the time, but I am increasingly being told that I “SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT BECAUSE IT’S ON OUR WEBSITE”

    I don’t know how quickly anyone else can go online to all these websites every day and check for changes and updates, but I am personally OVER IT, and those folk who still send a Rep, and who still send promo material or EMAILS announcing their precious new product they would like me to sell for them, GET PRECEDENCE !

    rant over have a nice weekend everyone !


  5. shaun s

    HMM Hate to think what you would get up to if the internet was down for the day .

    My first thing i do for the day is hop on the blog 1st up then i hop onto the BOM site to see what the weather is doing if ALL is good with the weather i then dial the phone and tell my wife i love her and see if i can go fishing for the day , if that fails then i follow what H does except i skip about 20 of those items


  6. Chris

    h, i can concur wholeheartedly – the admin requirement/expectation on us is absurd and yet we’re told we have to also be on the shop floor, promoting, engaging with customers, being better retailers, etc. hey i love doing that stuff but its all the other BS you have to put up with on a daily basis which drains you and eats up valuable time


  7. Mark Fletcher

    Chris I think there are things newsagents do which they can decided to not do. That is not to say that suppliers make unreasonable demands – they do every day and they communicate poorly. BUT, newsagents can make decisions to ignore some tasks.


  8. Chris

    Mark, i’m all for ignoring emails etc that consume time but you cant ignore “tasks” that are relevant to your business operation (surely)..and dont get me started on the demands which come with having a delivery run also.


  9. Mark Fletcher

    Chris I am not meaning to be critical of newsagents. I see many undertaking many tasks every day which are unnecessary.


  10. Garry

    You can check emails etc while waiting for the papers to turn up.I know how much you love your early morning deliveries.

    Have a great day


  11. peter stewart

    H, you have 25 web sites listed there but do you really need to look at all of them? Also, the newspapers email/fax me subscription changes……. scrap looking at the ANF and NANA web sites, you will learn more on this blog. the local paper home page? and is it worth looking at the mag/card of the day from the 10 sites you have listed?
    i agree that haveing to look at the lotto site is silly. why dont they send a short email with the news and links for more detail each week? is NSW lotteries trying to save on email stamps.

    shaun s ….. how successful are you getting past the boss ?

    and dont worry ab0ut not having the internet for a day (which happens a few times a year for us, i have to have a back up wireless modem) we also have blackouts every 60 days or so, last winter our town was without power for 40 hours. rolling papers by candle light.


  12. Lillian

    I love One Direction they are little cuites i LOVE!!!Harry Styles


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