Just a few minutes ago, out the front of my newsXpress Watergardens newsagency, an ACP Magazines magshop representative was calling out at the top of their lungs:
Last minute Christmas gift ideas, Magshop, we are here to help
This was easily heard by shoppers in my newsagency and those in the mall in front of my newsagency. The ACP Magshop representative is promoting the ACP Magshop outpost in the centre, like the ACP Magshop outpost Knox City.
Thanks ACP. Merry Christmas.
As out store manager said who called to let me know – after all the support we provide for magazines, all the work we do, they come to us to steal our customers.
The team at the newsagency has every right to be upset and despondent about this.
I cherish supplier relationships which are mutually respectful. Actions speak louder than words.
Oh well,
I have just shut up shop for the day. Time to remove some ACP cook books.
tell your store manager to file complaint with centre security…….disrupting the peace……its not a flea market.
Done. But it’s too late.
This is rampant opportunism at its worst! To obviously come closer to your store to hawk business like this is not competition but blatant disrespect for the channel and you Mark. Whether they know who the owners of these stores are or not this is raining on what should be your parade at this time of year.
I would hope someone further up the food chain at ACP that may be responsible for this is made aware of it. If they are aware then it only makes it worse.
Spruiking is forbidden in our shopping Centre……..not sure your Landlord should let these people in again Mark……could be worth asking about.
Shame on ACP. Makes their opinion of newsagents crystal clear.
Oh, dear.. Yours of all shops, Mark.
If I were in your position I would be absolutely gutted. Totally understand your dismay at this situation Mark. Things must be very dire indeed in the magazine world if they have to resort to this kind of in your face promotion
This should not happen to any newsagent.
i wish everyone one would independently boycott ACP to put them back to earth…..i DON”T wish acp a merry xmas. HUMBUG!
I am sorry that this has happened, the whole exercise must be hurtful to you, your team and the other Newsagents where these outposts are located.
It is no coincidence Mark that your Newsagents were part of these exercise, very mysterious. ACP should be thanking you for helping and encouraging people like me to hanging in their and be better magazine sellers.
Keep up the great you are doing. You are right actions speak louder than words.
Was the magshop discounting their products, if so, to what degree ?
Below your retail, close to your cost, or below your cost. ?
It makes little difference really, the tactic stinks, and all who have been affected, and those who will at some stage be affected, should take whatever action they can to get a message to those clowns at head office.
Totally unprofessional and demeaning for the brand as a whole, and directly to the agency within eyesight.
Just as an aside, could those outposts be seen by the public as part of, or an annex to the news agency they are closest to ?
Lance, no more than in the magazines. It’s hard to know if shoppers see them as an extension of the newsagency. I don’t think so but who knows what shoppers think?
My intention is to rise above this appalling action by ACP. There are plenty of publishers which would not act in such a directly competitive way against newsagents.
I’m pleased to note that the outpost has now moved on.
Nothing from ACP Mark?