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The future of Fairfax

The Australian yesterday carried a long interview with Greg Hywood, CEO of Fairfax.  I’d encourage newsagents to read the interview, much of it will interest including this:

Q: Do you see the say you’ll stop the presses?

A: Well, if you saw a point where all the advertisers went online and there wasn’t any audience for print you could certainly foresee a dominant digital environment, but for the foreseeable future there will be a demand for a print product. Things move incredibly quickly. A couple of years ago tablets were a gleam in Steve Jobs’s eye – look at them now. We put an app out for the SMH and The Age which we thought might get 50,000 uploads. It is in excess of 300,000 now and we’ve got 50,000 regular users, and that happened in the blink of an eye.

Like I said, newsagents should read the whole interview.

Kudos to Hywood for doing such a wide-ranging interview for a News Limited newspaper.

Media disruption

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  1. Ying

    They don’t care about print prodution for sure. I wanted to increase my Tuesday Telegraph supply by 30 copies close to any other day since changed to iService. But never happens. Rep refused (actually I never meet her). They don’t care about circulation now just saving money.


  2. Garry


    That’s funny as I keep trying to drop my telegraph supply by about 90 on tuesday But never happens.


  3. Derek

    I have a feeling they are having teeting problems with their new system, circulation cannot help in my matters of supply & reduction, area Manager has been qute helpful.

    It frustrates me as someone does not want to acknowledge the teething problems. Will waste around 100 telegraphs due to system not working or accepting changes after supply reductions for different days of the week.


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