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A Sunday marketing/management tip for newsagents: act like a successful retailer

Check your prejudices, biases and other baggage at the door and think about the retail business which you consider to be the BEST.

Think about why you consider them to be the best.  Break down their business in your head.  In doing this, look for opportunities to mirror what they do.  Their success often comes down to relentless pursuit of their core business principles / values.

The Reject Shop – value; David Jones – aspirational, quality; Boost Juice – healthy; Zara – cheap fashion; Smiggle – fashion stationery.

This tip is another way of saying spend time pursuing your Unique Selling Proposition.  Being a general retailer without an obvious and valuable USP is not good for any business.

marketing tip

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  1. June

    Zara opens their first store in South Australia in our complex tomorrow.
    Thursday night is late night trading and Zara have asked for Friday night late night as well (this week only) and been granted.

    I am at the other end of the Zara mall but I will be opening too on Friday night to ensure that the rub off from Zara continues
    into our end of the mall.

    However, when I have approached other tenants to suggest??? that it would be good for all of us to open I have met a blank wall. “Too tired”, “worked last night”
    “can’t get enough staff” – it was just simply appalling that a centre that has been so “down” for 2 years and is now open again should have tenants with such
    a bad attitude to business.
    This is an opportunity that I won’t miss and
    I hope we get a reward for it but I just cannot understand why people don’t know
    that this is an opportunity too good to miss. I visited Zara in Melbourne and it was shoulder to shoulder and I am expecting huge crowds here tomorrow for
    the Zara opening. Our store is bigger than
    the Melbourne store and covers two stories.
    To not be open would simply be farcical.
    ps. we have smiggle in our centre but I don’t think they are going to open either.


  2. June

    just re-read my post and I said “our store is bigger than the Melbourne store” and I
    meant our Zara store not my own store.


  3. Brendan

    June, this close to hristmes you would think that 1 late and I imagine wellpromoted night would be a no brainer for owner managed businesses. Thosr paying would have to think about it but surely it would be worthwhile for them too.


  4. Max

    Good luck, June.
    Hope it goes well for you. 🙂


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