A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Day: October 16, 2011

Sunday marketing tip for newsagents: Newspaper headline art

If you want to run a customer competition which gets them creatively engaged with newspapers, consider a headline art competition.  Keep it simple.  Ask that they create an item of art using recent newspaper headlines.  It could be visual or written art, as long as headlines are used.  Get a local panel of art experts to judge the winner.

The prize does not need to be grand.  The real reward is in entries and finalists being on show in your newsagency or somewhere nearby where you can leverage your involvement.

If the competition revolves around headlines in the local newspaper which is sold in your store all the better, especially for coverage of the event.

This marketing tip would be especially useful for newsagents facing competition from other outlets selling newspapers nearby.


Steve Jobs covers at the newsagency counter

We have both Time magazine and the re-issue of Rolling Stone with Steve Jobs on the cover at the counter, above our newspapers, this weekend.

This tactical placement is in addition to promotion elsewhere in the newsagency.  There is no doubt we see a different mix of customers on the weekend, like in most shopping centres.  This mix of shoppers is more likely to purchase these magazines because of their Steve Jobs coverage.


Promoting the Better Homes and Gardens Christmas feature

We are promoting the Christmas issue of Better Homes and Gardens with this in-location display in one of my newsagencies.

In addition to this terrific display, we also have the magazine in a stand facing into the mall and with newspapers – making the most of the launch week interest and leveraging the TV show from Friday night.

All the activity is working a treat, sales of BHG are excellent.

