A few weeks ago I put together a document I called Tips For Newsagents in Tough Times. I created this in response to requests for help from newsagents doing it tough. While some of the content is of more use to newsagents using the Tower Systems newsagency software, the seven pages of notes, tips and ideas could be useful to any newsagent.
We, each of us business owners, are accountable for our business position. Making excuses will result in us taking our eye off the ball and fixing what needs to be fixed.
If your business is experiencing tough times, you need to implements considerable personal and business changes to turn the situation around. If you change nothing, nothing will change for you. I firmly believe that we make our own success.
If you would like a copy of the document, please email me at mark@towersystems.com.au. It’s free. All I ask is that you let me know if the information share is of use.