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James Bond cars again?

mags-jamesbond.JPGI am surprised at the re launch of the James Bond car Collection.   It makes me feel like we are in a time warp with this re issue and the recent re issue of The Art of Knitting.  It does feel like a bit of a cash grab.

Oh well, we are participating by placing part 1 in a good location.  It will need to generate good sales by Monday as that is when we will relegate it because of other pressing demands on this premium space as we start to fill for Christmas.

In this retail climate more than ever magazine distributors have an obligation to allocate with care.


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  1. ScottM

    I stand to be corrected, but I don’t think this particular collection is a relaunch (I’ve never seen this one before), the last james bond collection was all different cars, where this is just one car. That being said, the first time I heard about this partwork was on TV. I Never got sent any. Which is OK. I tend to have very few customers collect a partwork after the 10th part after they do the maths on the total cost.


  2. Mark

    I could be wrong Scott and it wouldn’t be the first time. That said, it feels like a re-launch.


  3. Brendan

    We did not receive it but have already had a customer place an order for it. He says it is a large scale model. If this is so I don’t expect many takers but those who do start it will probably be committed to seeing it through after a few issues. Is my cutomer correct?


  4. Wendy

    This is not a relaunch, it’s a new partwork collection from which you can build a large scale model of an Aston DB9. The original collection of cars as shown in the James Bond movies is still going as we have 1 customer still collecting it.


  5. Paul S

    Without being too pedantic it’s a DB5 (the old Sean Connery era car) as opposed to the DBS/DB9 of the current crop. Had it been the current type a couple of people have commented that they would have gone for it but as it is looks like we’ll have one regular putaway for it.


  6. Brendan

    3 to be sent to us after contacting network this morning and they have all been sold already.


  7. bruce

    customer asked me about it today but after he found out it was 80 parts and about $1150 total his enthusiasm waned a little.


  8. Wendy

    lol whoops, thanks for the correction, Paul S, I think I might have had something else on my mind.


  9. Prakash

    Can we but it buy it from any newsagent or can we buy it from any magazine provider


  10. ERIC

    why do you have to wait 2 years and spent a fortune when you can get a ready made model for the fraction of that price and it is the same car.


  11. Jim

    What about the new Dolls House ,we can not supply the Dolls House it self will be the first time in 30 years i have not got behind a partworks more bull


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