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The Importance of promoting mobile phone SIM cards

wool-cell.jpgSupermarkets promote mobile phone SIM cards at the checkout. The photo is of a display unit at a Woolworths outlet I saw a few days ago.. They do this because grabbing incremental business from such promotions works. It’s something we should do. We have excellent traffic, as do supermarkets, and if they can drive incremental business from such tactical placement then we should be able to as well.

Newsagents not sure how to get into this space should talk with Jenlist. They can help with product as well as visual merchandising material.

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  1. Wally

    I have found that the time taken to get the forms filled in and checking is difficult. We would normally only have 1 person in the shop. Whilst this is taking place others have to wait. Also most customers are unsure of what they want and so have to be sold. Do woolies have to fill in the forms??? I think they have plenty of staff so are able to do it. Just my thoughts I prefer to just do the recharges.


  2. h

    This encouraged me to look at my commissions for phone recharge vs my comissions for Western Union. WU we handle at the back of the shop very quickly and easily and earn av $280 per month commission. Phone recharges are earning me $70 per month (front counter), and I always have min of two staff in the shop (even if one of them is me!. I will be sticking to
    selling recharges only.


  3. Mark

    h, for some telcos your commission doubles if you sell account activations. I know of newsagents selling $1,000 a month in handsets.


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