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iPad use among newsagents growing

ipad-tradeshow.JPGI’ve noticed a considerable jump in newsagents talking about how they are using an iPad in their businesses when we caught up at the GNS Market Fair this past weekend in Sydney and the weekend before in Perth.  The numbers engaged with an iPad this year are up.

The conversation usually started when they saw the iPad on the Tower Systems stand running our newsagency software.  This was a live and practical demonstration of productivity gain opportunities for newsagents.

From in-car use for newspaper home delivery lists through to managing stock requirements when on a trade show floor, newsagents are embracing the iPad as a business tool.

Besides the productivity gains from broader use of technology, there is the benefit of being more aware of how the iPad and other tablet devices can be used in ways which could impact on core parts of the traditional newsagency business.

I have no doubt that playing with technology like the iPad in business will help these newsagents pursue change and be ahead of others who ignore how technology can and will change our businesses.

Newsagency management

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  1. KEVIN

    Waiting for the “Tower App”. 😉


  2. Derek


    Although still in the early stages, when you get time could you please show how the Ipad and other devices can:

    a)Provide productivity gains for one’s business.

    b)Impact and change one’s business.

    It is important to understand why and how.,I believe it needs to be explained and elaborated on.


  3. Mark

    Derek, I’m currently overseas on business (living in two time zones). Let me put something together for a longer piece on this.


  4. Derek

    Mark – I appreciate this, I think many including myself will benefit and possibly be less fearful / resentful of what lies ahead through understanding.


  5. Danny

    I would like to use my IPAD to log into my Tower System and check whats happening at any point in time during the day, while i am away from the shop. Technology should be used to make my life easier


  6. Mark

    Danny you’ve been able to do that for well over a year now.


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