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Baked & Delicious part 2 starts strong

bakedno2.JPGSales of part 2 of the Baked & Delicious partwork have been strong in the first few days on sale.  Our shoppers love the practical items which come with this.  They can be used right away as opposed to being another part in something they have to build over a long period of time.  This helps shoppers drift in and out of the part series.  While this may not be ideal for the publisher, shoppers do like it.

We are promoting part 2 of Baked & Delicious at the counter, along with some remaining copies of part 1.


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  1. shaun s

    So far this has been the biggest partworks in my 4-5 years . i know half of my putaways will eventually come to a stop but for now there are a few new customers in my door


  2. Paul S

    Has been great here too !

    Received my reorder stock of part one on Wednesday and sold out of those by Thursday and have sold through all my part 2 stock as of yesterday so will need to order more of those too. We seem to have scored a few new people from surrounding newsagents because they either wouldn’t or couldnt be bothered to order more stock so the end result is hopefully more regular customers for us.

    One other nice touch I thought about this series is that unlike the usual subscription cards being inserted in the books, this one has a “newsagent please put away for me” card to encourage putaways. Great work !!


  3. MAX

    Paul S,

    Check inside the booklet and you will find the subscription offer stapled in the middle.


  4. Paul S

    Still at least they’ve also put in something promoting newsagents put-a-ways as well !

    Normally we get nothing . 🙁


  5. Mark

    You’re right Paul, I should have mentioned the putaway promotion.


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